Apprentice Event – Hurtman Rescue 

Drop Dead Time: 4:00

Event Summary: 

This is the Hurtman Rescue Event.  This event requires the climber to rescue the mannequin on a 40’ A1.11 (A9-1: single support on crossarm) pole utilizing the Ox-Block method.  Class II Rubber gloves or higher shall be worn for this event.

Event Rules:

  1. Time starts when the lineman shouts “Are You Ok!” from within the event circle.  The lineman cannot proceed to tool hanging stand until this is accomplished.   Note:  The lineman’s belt, hooks, rubber gloves, and fall arrest device will be hanging on the provided tool hanging stand, simulating tools hanging in a truck bin.  The tool hanging stand will be located 15’-20’ from the A1.11 (A9-1).  The fall arrest device may be adjusted to the pole during the set-up time, but must hang on the stand.  Rubber gloves will be inside the glove bag, cuffs down, and fingers up at the start of the event.  If fingers protrude outside the bag, the flap must be snapped.  Rubber gloves are required ground to ground.
  2. The mannequin’s fall restraint device will hang above the crossarm braces and the Ox-Block method will be used on this event.  The hand line w/ Ox-Block will be provided.  The hand line will be hanging around the crossarm on the neutral side.
  3. The mannequin shall be tied under arms with three half hitches.  Note: (Eye splice shall not be used as part of the hitches.)  The half hitch is the only acceptable knot.  Note:  Tightness of the knot will be check with the rope pulled snug under the armpits utilizing a 3” piece of conduit.  If the 3” piece of conduit slides between the mannequin and the knot, the result will be a 2-point deduction.
  4. A Buckingham BuckSqueeze Rescue Belt 483M will be used on the mannequin and the climber will cut the orange 483A insert.  There will be a 10-point deduction for cutting the belt in the wrong place.
  5. Time will stop when the manakin is fully on the ground and the competitor calls “TIME”.  (If the competitor calls “TIME” before the mannequin is fully on the ground, the competitor will recieve a 2-point deduction)
  6. Judging will continue until the event site is restored to its original condition and the apprentice has left the event site. Points can be deducted after time stops.
  7. All general rules apply.


hurtman rescue