Apprentice Event: Open Wire Secondary

                                  Drop Dead Time: 10:00                                 

Event Summary: This is a de-energized event. The apprentice will pull up an open wire secondary conductor, sag it, and make connections to a streetlight on a 35' pole. Secondary connections will be made with mechanical bolt-on parallel connectors.

Provided equipment: Handline, grunt bag, slack blocks, conductor grip, preform deadends, and spare connectors.

Event Rules:

  1. Each apprentice will have 5 minutes to look over the event site, ask the event judge questions, prepare the conductor, and load the grunt bag.  
  2. Time will start on the judges signal.
  3. The provided equipment shall be used to raise, sag, and attach the conductor. Sag will be verified by the event judge.
  4. The streetlight wire shall be connected in the following order: Neutral first and Hot leg Last. (2-point deduction for connections made out of order)
  5. The mechanical bolt-on parallel connectors shall be connected to the main line of the secondary and not the tails. (2-point deduction for connections made to tails)
  6. All connections shall be tight.  The event judge will have the competitor verify the connections after time has stopped. (10-point deduction for loose connections)
  7. The time will stop when the conductor has been sagged, streetlight connections made, the grunt bag is on the ground with all remaining equipment, and the apprentice calls “TIME.”
  8. Judging will continue until the event site is restored to its original condition and the apprentice has left the event site. Points can be deducted after time stops.
  9. All general rules apply.


open wire secondary