Journeyman Event:  Hurtman Rescue

Drop Dead Time: 8:00

Event Summary:

This event is simulated energized at 15 kV.  Teams will have 5 minutes to set up and ask the event judges questions.  Each team member must participate in this event to rescue the mannequin from a 40’ B5.21 (B7).  One team member shall make the mayday call, one team member shall properly de-energize the line and obtain a visible opening, and the other team member shall climb and perform the rescue.  One of the three methods shall be used to perform the rescue: Screwdriver method, cross-arm method, or Ox-Block.

Event Rules:

  1. Time starts when the “mayday” caller calls out to the hurt man asking, “Are you ok?”
  2. Time will stop when the mannequin is on the ground, flat on his back and a minimum of five (5) chest compressions have been given.  The team member giving the chest compressions must count them out loud so he and the judge can ensure five (5) have been given.  Failure to do five (5) chest compressions while counting will result in a two-point deduction.
  3. All climbing tools shall be located on the tool stand, to include the bucksqueeze. The bucksqueeze can be adjusted to the pole.
  4. Rubber gloves shall be worn by the climber, but do not have to be worn by the team member operating the extendo stick.
  5. Rubber gloves shall be kept in glove bag, cuffs down, bag snapped while not in use.
  6. The handline shall be tied under BOTH arms of the mannequin, using a minimum of three half hitches.  Three half hitches are the only acceptable knot.  Failure to tie a three-half hitch knot will result in a two-point deduction.
  7. The tightness of the knot will be checked.  Judges will have a 3” PVC pipe to check this.  The rope will be moved under the armpits as high as possible and then the knot will be checked for tightness.  If the 3” PVC can slide between the knot and the mannequin’s chest that will result in a two-point deduction.
  8. Judging continues until the event site is returned to its original condition.
  9. All general rules apply.


Mayday Call Script:

Groundman:  Mayday, Mayday, Mayday…Truck 3849 to dispatch, we have a man down.

Judge:  Truck 3849…I understand you have a man down emergency.

Groundman:  Dispatch that is correct.  We are located at 1385 E Alexander Love Highway, York, South Carolina and we need immediate medical assistance.  We are beginning pole top rescue now.

Judge:  I understand you are located at 1385 E Alexander Love Highway, York, South Carolina and need immediate medical assistance.

Groundman:  That is correct, we need immediate medical assistance at our location.

Judge:  Truck 3849 emergency medical assistance is on the way.

Groundman:  I understand emergency medical assistance is on the way.  Thank you…Truck 3849 out.

Judge:  That is correct, we will be on standby if you need us…Dispatch out.

hurtman rescue
hurtman rescue 2