One student from South Carolina will represent our state on the NRECA Youth Leadership Council (YLC). Youth Leadership Council delegates will gain valuable leadership opportunities throughout the year while connecting with other YLCsters from around the country. Chaperones will select finalists based on the application and observations while on the Youth Tour. Finalists will get a chance to speak in front of the S.C. group during the trip to explain why they should be selected. After that, the students will vote for the person they want to represent them.
Delegates will attend an in-person meeting July 21-25, in Washington, D.C. Delegates will also attend the annual meeting of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (Power XChange) March 6-11, 2026, in Nashville, TN. There, the group will spend a few days reflecting on the experiences they’ve had throughout the year, attend informational and entertaining conference sessions alongside electric cooperative leaders from throughout the country, and solidify lifelong friendships and connections!
If you're chosen to represent S.C., you'll have a chance to write and present a speech about your experiences on the Youth Tour. See the speech by 2024 YLC for S.C. rep., Owen Roddy, here.
To learn more about this national program, click here.