SharonRawls & Mary Chandler 2011 Teacher Chaperones
Two South Carolina high school teachers or guidance counselors will be chosen to serve as chaperones on the 2012 Washington Youth Tour, set for June 16-21.
Every June, South Carolina’s electric co-ops send high school juniors on an expense-paid trip to our nation’s capital. The trip is coordinated by The Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina, Inc., the state association of co-ops. While in DC, the students meet South Carolina’s congressmen, visit monuments and historic sites, eat out at restaurants and take part in special Youth Tour programs with 1,500 other high school juniors from across America.
Teachers and guidance counselors are being given a chance to chaperone the trip to help get the word out about the educational value of the Youth Tour, which fosters student leadership and teaches high school students about cooperatives and government. For more information, visit
The state association pays each teacher-chaperone’s costs for transportation, hotel room, exhibit admissions and three meals a day. The deadline to apply is February 3, 2012. Interested teachers and guidance counselors can download the application and submit it by mail, email or fax.