Touchstone Energy Bowl shopping trip
December 09, 2021
The state's best high school football players took a break from practice to take 44 deserving children on a holiday shopping trip.
scam alert
November 24, 2021

South Carolina utilities, including the state's electric cooperatives, have joined with South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs (SCDCA) and…

Mr. Football trophy
November 01, 2021
The Touchstone Energy Cooperatives Bowl and South Carolina Athletics Coaches Association announce the five finalists for the Mr. Football award, the…
Central Electric Power Cooperative
October 22, 2021

Carmel, IN – Membership in the National Renewable Cooperative Organization (NRCO) has grown to 23 following the addition of Columbia, South…

Tess Sanford
September 15, 2021

Tess Sanford, 16, of Hilton Head Island, is the winner of the 2021 R.D. Bennett Community Service Scholarship sponsored by South Carolina’s…